We have been eating something besides cupcakes. I promise.
On the grill, from the farm share, and via our favorite grill cookbook:
- Lamb tenderloin chops
- T bone w/ Brazilian collards (much faster than traditional collards and good!)
- Grilled leg of lamb (Good, but Kyle didn't think this was worth the effort, I don't think)
- Beer can chicken and kale chips (I over-salted them, but they could be good)
Something new:
- chicken in milk: This is a Jamie Oliver recipe and it was really good. I'm really tempted by the Kitchn's Southeast Asian adaptation though. We got another chicken in yesterday's farm share, so I might have to make this before I lose my oven.
- braised mussels: This could not have been easier. And so very good!
- Kyle creation: pasta w/ cheese sauce, mushrooms, cabbage. Yum.
- Kyle creation: bluefish broiled with jalapenos and lemon. Yum again.