Our good friends Emily and Philip are having their own international adventure in Nairobi (they both teach at the international school there), and they recently had a great post about their thoughts, a month in, on work, the people, and being ex-pats. Reading their blog has made me realize how quickly all of this is becoming "normal". It's not that I've forgotten that at home you don't have to turn on a water heater before you take a shower and turn it off again when you're done. It just doesn't seem blog-worthy.  And yet, I'm interested in all the little details of their lives.

So, this is an open Q&A. What would you like to know? What would you like to see? Philip had requested pictures of downtown Singapore at some point, and that's on the list. What else? What are we forgetting to tell you about because it's already normal to us? If you can't think of anything specific, you can always just say hi.