You may remember that back in May we hiked the Great Wall. It was awesome and gorgeous and I just made the pictures on that post bigger, so go take a look.

However, at the end of that trip a very sad thing happened. We were zip-lining off the Wall (not sad) when my beloved Red Sox hat flew off into the Simatai Reservoir (sad).

See, Kyle gave me my first Red Sox hat for my birthday when I turned 24. (He also got me that shirt and those earrings and that necklace, which is why I'm wearing all of it together. Apparently it was a pink year.) I still lived in DC at the time, and he was planting seeds of Boston loyalty and love. He really wanted me to move there and be a Red Sox fan marry him.  

After many years (6, wow!) the bill was tearing away from the hat itself, so when we were in Boston during our whirlwind America tour in April, he bought me a new, red Red Sox hat for my 30th birthday.

And about a month later, off it flew. A fellow hiker took pictures of us zipping and finally emailed them to me, so we have photographic evidence of how it went down:

In case you need captions....

What, you don't see anything? (Why yes, we did spend a fair amount of time scouring this picture for Hat, why do you ask?) Here, let me blow it up for you:

As we progressed down the zipline, I was still looking for the hat.

When we got home I told my sad story. And TWO wonderful generous friends came to the rescue. (Two! I am so blessed!) 

Jamie, David and Elijah sent me a red hat right away.

And then, when we met Kristen and Tim in Australia, they had a navy hat tucked into their luggage!!
So this has been a long time coming, but a big THANK YOU to you Jamie, David, Elijah, Kristen, and Tim. I have a Red Sox hat wardrobe! (I promise I won't wear any of them on any zip lines!)