Our sweet friends Sarah and Keith are expecting, and we are so excited for them. I'm not sure why, exactly, she decided I might be a good photographer (saw the big camera?) but she asked me to spend one evening with them taking maternity pictures.

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I said yes, but I was nervous. I have certainly taken a few pictures that I love. But those tend of be of static things that don't move. But I take way, WAY more pictures that I am disappointed in. Pictures that completely miss what I'm trying to convey. Pictures that should have been great but came out wrong because I didn't get the focus right, or my white balance was off, or my aperture was set wrong. 

But after lots of back and forth, we came to an understanding that I was going to experiment and do my best, and they were going to be themselves and look cute and hopefully we'd get some keepers. 

Y'all I took 257 pictures. I was happy with 41 of them--16%. Ugh. Wonder what a real photographer's percentage is?

We did have fun though, and they bought me ice cream afterwards, which was more than generous. I learned a lot by looking at my mistakes. I almost want another try to see if I can incorporate some of those lessons right away. Almost.  

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