We blew all of our carefully hoarded frequent flyer miles last weekend for the best possible reason: a visit to Albuquerque to see David, Jamie, Elijah and Eva. David and Jamie were part of our storied Boston small group. We met them in 2006. They were dear, dear parts of our lives in those grad school/early married days. They attended Kyle's thesis defense and their son Elijah was born days later, immediately before we left Boston for Asia. We saw them on a return trip to Boston a year later, but then they moved out West and this is our first visit together since 2010!
We had such a great time! We were thrilled to meet their 2 year old Eva, and they were thrilled to meet Hamish. We ate really well--lots of rich, awesome New Mexican food--and we timed the visit to coincide with the last weekend of the Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.
In the mornings they have "mass ascensions". We saw over 200 balloons floating in the valley at once. How beautiful is this?!?

At night, there is a "Glowdeo" in the Balloon Park. None of the balloons ascend, but they all inflate in the evening and as the sun sets they fire off their burners and you can wander around and take a closer look. Aside from a questionable burrito, it was so much fun!