So remember that spot in the kitchen? Well we really appreciated all of your thoughts and we have working plans. And step one is done!! Hooray.
First, what we had:
The previous owners had a TV on this shelf (see the cable plug behind) and a table underneath it. We don't have a table there, and Kyle had nearly knocked himself out once on that protruding corner. We were leaning toward using this shelf for cookbooks, so once we decided not to rip the whole wall unit apart, trimming that shelf lip off was high priority.
I sort of wanted to just take a saw to it, but cooler heads prevailed. Jeff pointed out that if we took the shelf out and cut off the back, then we'd keep the nice edge. So last week Jeff and Kyle took the the center section out and sent it home with Jeff.
Check out that square of earlier wall color. Wow. Sunny.
Today after church Jeff brought our new and improved cabinet back and he and Kyle re-installed it. How awesome is this!
Not a huge change, but it just feels so much better. It makes the shelf with our cookbooks look purposeful. And it feels more open without that visual protuberance.
It wasn't particularly easy, and we're thrilled and we're so grateful to have friends that can (and will) help us with these projects!