As I think we've explained before, rather than taking the downstairs, ensuite master bedroom, we are upstairs with Hamish. This has worked out SO well for us and our guests. We're closer to her if she needs us, and guests have plenty of space, privacy, and quiet downstairs.

We went the same gray that we used downstairs in the office and guest room (Knoxville Gray by Benjamin Moore). We again painted the eaves to match the ceiling rather than the walls. In 2D pictures, I might like the eaves-as-walls better, but in person it felt like the walls were leaning in on you. Because they were sort of. A very tall friend helped us move furniture, and I swear he stood more upright in here after the paint job.

We've only hung one picture in here (over the tall dresser), but that is on reclaimed wall! That section of wall was created fairly recently to house the upstairs HVAC system (behind the dresser, creating those shelves to the left). The upstairs thermostat was RIGHT in the middle of that wall. For us, that was right at the foot of the bed. Kyle, being awesome, moved it before Tom got there to patch and paint so that we can actually use the wall. Yay!
Still on the list for in here...
1. Hang the 2 things propped up on that chair, probably in that corner.
2. Come up with the best use for those HVAC-created shelves. Buy some hampers that fit the space? Buy some trim to make the shelves look slightly more fancy that plywood? Some more baskets?
3. Rework the inside of the closets. They are decent sized, but the storage is really inefficient.
4. A new bed frame. That's been on my list for a while, but I have to find something I really love. When we get a new one, though, this one will go downstairs to the guest room, and we would love to get our guests up off the floor fairly soon.