Since 2008, we've been committed to our Christmas Eve Sushi tradition. But I haven't always actually had sushi, though. In 2008, I didn't yet eat sushi. We took 2010 off because we were in Laos and didn't have access to sushi. Last year, I was with-Hamish and so ate an adjusted menu.

So four of the past five years we've done Christmas Eve Sushi... but this is only my second year to actually enjoy sushi.

After the Christmas Eve service at church, we went to a Japanese restaurant that Claire and James suggested.

It was perfect. Hamish enjoyed her first experience with chopsticks. We enjoyed a great spread and once again took advantage of the time to look back on our year's highlights and talk about our goals and hopes for 2013.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug 2008 | 2009 | 2010 in Laos (no sushi) | 2011