Yes, Christmas was a over a month ago, but like I said, I'm trying to catch up.

We took a break in our busy road trip schedule to stay home for the holidays. Awesomely, many people came to see us instead. How very nice of them!

12/21: Eric, Emily and Captain Gulliver stopped by on their home leave. We haven't seen them since April 2011, when they passed through Singapore on the way to Bali for the weekend. And we had never met the Captain. It was so great to see them! They are off to their next big adventure this time (a spot we loved!), so we are excited for them.

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12/23: More ex-Singaporeans stop by! Scott and Lou Anne, dear friends from Singapore, spent the day with us on their way South for the holidays. Lou Anne had come to see us when we first arrived back, but Scott had only seen Hamish via Skype. They wasted no time getting down to the main business of the trip.

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Time with them is always so precious and we were thrilled they got to stop by.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug 12/24: We already told you about our Christmas Eve tradition. Before sushi, we went to hang out with the Rosses and go to the Christmas Eve service together. But it seems like I don't have any pictures of our Christmas with them or church. Sad.

12/25: Then it was Christmas morning! We woke up and had our Christmas together, just the three of us, before family started rolling in. On Christmas day, my parents, Nana, and my brother and his family all arrived. Hamish and MK love each other and they're so fun to watch together.

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug 12/26: The next day, my aunt and cousins arrived. Ashley and her girls visited. Jodi and her kids visited. It was a full house and we loved it! Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug My younger cousins, Lync and Chandler, wanted to go ice skating, so we left the babies at home and all headed to the ice rink at Centennial Park. All of these photos are from Kathryn's phone. She was far braver about skating+photography than I was. Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug 12/31: Everyone left on the 29th or so, and I already told you about our New Year's Eve activity.

1/1: And last but not least, on New Year's Day, Charlotte and Jodi and their families spent the afternoon playing, grilling, and watching Kyle's bowl game (Hamish was rocking her Carolina gear to support the team). We missed Tara (the 4th member of the "family") but we had a great time letting all the kids run around wildly and posing for silly pictures.

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It was a very busy holiday, but so fantastic to spend Hamish's first Christmas--and our first in the US in three years--in our own home surrounded by people we love.