Slowly but surely we're moving around the house making updates. Nothing groundbreaking, but here are some snapshots.
We painted the dining room (above the chair rail). You got a peak of that in the 19 month infographic. The goal is to add some more molding beneath the rail, but in the meantime, at least we got the top half painted. It's cheerful and we love it.

We had the office, the guest bedroom, and the back hallway painted.
The guest bedroom was pink and guests had commented that--especially in the morning--it felt really pink. We don't have a lot of before pics, but here's the house when we first saw it. The pink was deceiving. Doesn't look so bad here. As with the rest of the house, the paint job was old and worn and the settling left things that needed to be addressed. We also switched out all the switch plates for something less dingy looking.
We're happy to have a cozier color. We also bought a bed for this room that is very comfortable. No bed frame yet, so it's on the floor, and not much other furniture. But progress!

The same color went in the office (which matched the rest of the downstairs as a non-color creamy white) and the bookshelves got a good cleaning and organizing. We don't have everything back on the wall yet (I want to re-hang my Thai bags), but we love the fresh coat of paint and the color. Interestingly, this is the only downstairs room without crown molding. That's on the one-day list.

One thing we did in both rooms that I really love is remove light switches. In the office, the light switch for the closet was right in the middle of the wall behind the desk. So odd. So we took that out entirely. Kyle hopes to wire the doors with a switch so the light comes on when you open them.
In the guest bedroom, you can see the situation in the "before" picture. Two doors, 2 light switches and two outlets on that wall (and the main door to the room isn't shown!). We just flipped the closet light switch to the inside of the closet. A small change but I think it makes everything look so much neater.