Last night, along with our friends Jamie and David, we hosted a murder mystery dinner party for a group of friends from church. Jamie and David had done a mystery dinner once before, but this was new to the rest of us. Although I'm not sure if it would have been quite as much fun if we weren't already good friends, we had a great time last night and had a hard time staying in character due to all the laughing.

The most extravagant part of the planning had to be turning our bedroom into an art gallery/dining room. This involved fully disassembling the bed (and all the junk stored under it!) and replacing it with a candle-lit table with dinner for ten and turning our dresser into a buffet. Thankfully, we had a butler to serve the meal, which made maneuvering around the room a bit easier.

(Use that lamp and diploma as your points of reference)

After dinner (and a murder) we retired to the living room for dessert and some strategic questioning by the guests. The size of our apartment actually made for good plotting. There was enough space to get away and trade secrets, but everyone was close enough to do a bit of eavesdropping, spying, and blackmail.

At the end of the evening the murderer (and my "ex-boyfriend/half-brother") was revealed and we voted on the best dressed and best actor among us.