Flash back with me, if you will, to December 24. Christmas Eve sushi time!
Last year we had "Christmas Eve" sushi. In quotations. Meaning, we ate it on December 20. And last year just Kyle and I went. But this year we were committed to making it happen on the 24th. The original plan was to leave Hamish and Fauntleroy with Kyle's Mom after the Christmas Eve service, but the service was short, and everyone was cheerful, and we decided to go for it.
This was Hamish's second Christmas Eve Sushi, but for her first she just observed. Fauntleroy did the observing this year and Hamish took part.

Sweet little Asian baby.
It was an all-hands-on-deck dinner, certainly less reflective than years past, but it was happy to continue our Christmas Eve tradition with our little family for the 7th year (only missing one!).

2008 | 2009 | 2010 (No sushi in Laos) | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 (Ate sushi. Took pictures. Did not blog, apparently)